Job Role
Senior Community Manager
Join Date
13 Jun 2022
Three words to describe DTG
Innovative, Supportive and Vibrant!
Hey! I'm Alex
I’m a Senior Community Manager at Dovetail Games, helping lead our Community team and drive player-first decisions into many of our initiatives. You may catch me on various livestreams for our games each month, so feel free to come say hi!
I’ve been at Dovetail now for a little over 2.5 years, and in that time, it’s been a brilliant experience with a group of truly passionate and wonderful individuals, all the while being able to craft incredible moments for our players!
Gaming has always been a massive pillar of my life; since I was young, I have always been using it as a chance to socialise and enjoy time with my friends and family. Having a spot to be a part of that industry is a dream come true, and Dovetail offers a fantastic space to pour that energy into, and a unique opportunity to dive into many areas outside of my direct responsibilities that I can also share my passionate for!
Cats are also quite wonderful beings, so you may likely find me obsessing on the fluffy things in my life.
I’m a strong believer in creating the world you want to be in, and I do my best to help support charities and initiatives that drive forward a positive force. As a Safe in our World ambassador, and keen supporter of Special Effect’s wonderful work, you’ll hopefully find me helping to host charity events and raising awareness for important topics.